MP3 Torpedo 5.5.9

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Publisher's description

From Mp3Torpedo :

MP3 Torpedo is a fork of the very popular LimeWire Gnutella client। The purpose of MP3 Torpedo is to keep and maintain the freedoms that LimeWire may be forced to withdraw. Features optimizes computers performance by lowering CPU usage; enhanced and more reliable downloads using new methods and technologies; new host support improved for multiple P2P connections on the networks.

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Fly Free Photo Editing & Viewer 2.33

Fly Free Photo Editing & Viewer screenshot

Publisher's description

From 5DFly Software :

Fly Free Photo Editing & Viewer software allows you to view, edit, enhance and manipulate your pictures easily। It is designed to make it easier to manage multiple photos simultaneously in multiple tabs. Key features include a multiple tab image browser, batch image management, online album tools and more.

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Express Scribe 5.00

Publisher's description

From NCH Software :

Express Scribe is a free transcription player featuring variable speed playback, foot pedal operation, speech recognition, file management and more। Ideal for playing dictation। Features: Variable speed playback (constant pitch); Supports many professional foot pedals which connect to the game, serial or USB port to control playback; Uses 'hot' keys to control playback when using other software (e.g. Word); Ability to dock both analog and digital portable recorders to load recordings; Works with Microsoft Word and all major word-processor applications; Automatically receives and loads files by internet (FTP), e-mail or over a local computer network; Automatically sends typing to the person who dictated the work; Works with speech recognition software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking to automatically convert speech to text; Loads CD audio directly--start to work as it loads in the background; Can switch to 'mini' mode to reduce screen space; Integrate with dictation management systems using the Express Scribe SDK.

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