Like caller ID on an answering machine, EMailerID lets you know who's sending you a message before you decide to allow the message into your in-box. Simply allow your family, friends, and business partners into your e-mail client, and EMailerID technology handles the rest. EMailerID software works with any POP e-mail client and protects an unlimited number of POP accounts from spam while still allowing legitimate senders to easily contact you. There are no complicated filter rules to understand or set up, and you won't see the subject and/or contents of any message by default.
New in this version are support for an unlimited number of POP accounts as well as for Windows 98/Me; automatic checks for free Web updates; support for e-cards, e-vites, and e-mail lists; the removal of an incompatibility with Norton AntiVirus; and the resolution of a conflict with support for dynamic ports

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